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A member registered Sep 15, 2021

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they developer does not have to give a fuckin thing. For a dominant man you sure bitch a lot.

on his patreon

Get healthy dude. That's the most important thing!

not true. I still played with Ana and Alina and got Rachel as well as the rest of the fam.

That other game is badass. I enjoyed this one as well.

She didn't live happily. Her second huband was a douche as well. It's a fucking game, judgemental much?

that worked! thanks

Yeah do we have to buy the walkthrough again?

Loved the udpate. Love this game!

you get it the pin from Kira's picture but you do it after Robin tells you she's going to go try her toy out. It will say I need to find her pin number. You pull up nuke and go to kira's picture. it's basically the numbers on robin's sn.

some people are just fair skinned or pale skin or porcelain skin and though don't tan, they burn.

I did the same. A different play for each.

a little old but you have to download Lexi's songs to your phone then you can connect to the speakers.

I would DM Drifty and ask that question.

Awesome! Can't wait!

Deleted the game, did a clean install and everything works now!

yeah I have everyone that's supposed to be there but her. I did use a mod the first playthrough. I will just start over without the mod. Maybe that's the problem.

yeah I remember that but she's not showing up at all in 11 for me. Weird.

I can't unlock the Jade scenes as I don't get prompted to visit her in this episode. Did I miss something somewhere?

Dude I'm loving both games. Great job!